As a developmental wing of the Jesuit Chennai Province, the Province Development Office (PDO) carries out initiatives in partnership with Jesuits, well-wishers, and local and international stakeholders to address the needs of disadvantaged people. 

We are dedicated to creating positive and lasting change in the lives of underprivileged communities. Through holistic development programs, we aim to empower individuals, families, and entire communities. Our efforts are deeply rooted in Jesuit values of service, justice, and solidarity, which inspire our mission to build a more equitable and inclusive society.

From the shores of Chennai to the fertile delta of the Cauvery River, we have embarked on a transformative journey that reflects our commitment to social transformation and the well-being of the people we serve.

Marching forward with the marginalized to ensure them a sustainable future

To respond effectively to the needs of the Dalits, Tribals, and Marginalized and vulnerable sections of the society by empowering them through transformative and sustainable actions for socio-economic, political, and cultural emancipation.

Initiate and promote cross-sector solutions to pressing development problems of poor and vulnerable people, especially children, adolescents and youth, that encourage ownership and are impact-oriented.

Our Reach

We work in many sectors across 21 civil districts of Tamil Nadu including education, skill development, climate change and ecology, social protection, migrants, youth, peace & reconciliation.

Our Values


We accompany people in their journey and support their efforts within their local contexts to respond to the challenging issues.


We seek to create a world in which each person has agency within their own life, and has their rights upheld and dignity protected.


We see humanity in all people and root our work in the inherent rights of every person irrespective of their background.


We recognize that we live in an interconnected world and must work across cultures and borders to build just and equitable societies.


We uphold accountability as fundamental to fostering trust, teamwork, innovation and, most importantly, justice.

Our Framework

The work of the development office of Jesuit Chennai Province is informed by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs) of the Society of Jesus.

These two ambitious visions for a more just global society offer recommendations and inspiration as well as a recognizable framework for the work that we do. While no one organization could respond to all of the SDGs or fully embody the UAPs on its own, the development office of Jesuit Chennai Province is committed to working with the global community, in particular through Jesuit networks, to respond to these shared objectives.